How to Decorate a Room With Wall of Windows

It's been awhile since I had a chance to do a Decorating Dilemma, but I'm getting back to this series in the new year.  YAY!  It was fun to tackle a few of these last year and hopefully give some women a few great ideas on how to solve their decorating problems.

Here's what LeeAnn here in Acworth said about her wall of windows:

"I have these beautiful floor to ceiling windows with transoms and I don't know how to treat them. I really don't want to cover them up too much and take away from our beautiful view of the woods and golf course but the area just looks so cold and bare without anything. On the right hand side you can see there is a door to the terrace which complicates things too on how to address it with the wall of windows."

So, let's take a look and see what we can come up with collectively on how LeeAnn might treat her windows.

windows 2

I had to lighten these pics and enlarge them, so they are a little grainy, but you can see what grand architectural details LeeAnn has in this light-filled dining area.  She said the view is wonderful too, so definitely doesn't want to block that.


It's a beautiful space and on this side is the door that leads to a terrace outside.  Gorgeous room!

So, let's give LeeAnn some ideas!

One thing that I'm noticing in the pics that I found with all windows is this:  all of these spaces are white on white, which really opens up the space and makes it look even bigger.  With the dark walls in LeeAnn's space, it sort of closes things in a bit. The darker color shows off the beautiful trimwork, but maybe doesn't showcase the room completely.  LeeAnn, I love your beamed ceilings too.



Here's a beautiful room with a wall of windows (swoon!) looking out on water.  These have large transoms above and no covering at all, which I totally think is the only way to go in this room.  Fabric would definitely take away from THAT view!  LeeAnn has a golf course view that she doesn't want to block either.


(all 4 of the next pics from Pinterest.  I try to find sources, but so many Pinterest pins are a dead end on finding the source!).

This room is solid windows and doors too and again, white on white for the walls and trim.  Check out that soaring beautiful planked ceiling! I love how simple, yet beautiful this room is, even without a lot of color.  They used a light colored drape to just frame the windows and I like the look.  Even though LeeAnn has one window that is curved, I still think she could raise the rods above its curve and still have panels flanking that window too. So, 3 sets of panels on all 3 walls.  Mirror it on all sides to flow, using one set of panels on the door side. I also like how the rods blend into the wall in the above pic.


Here's another beautiful, yet simple look for a dining space with walls of windows.  Simple, curved dark rods and very flowy sheer curtains, taking nothing away from the view of the windows.

And yet another white on white space with a few simple white panels in place, that just adds some softness to the room.

So, what do y'all think?  I think some of these ideas could definitely work for LeeAnn and still keep her room nice and open.  No need to block a beautiful view!  I'm sure LeeAnn would love to hear more ideas so chime in with your thoughts!

I'm still taking submissions that I'll be going through this year on Decorating Dilemmas, so if you have an area in your home that is stumping you, send some pics to me with your story and I will be getting to more of these this year!  It's always fun to try to solve a problem for someone.

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How to Decorate a Room With Wall of Windows


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